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Showing posts from August, 2008

The only correct way to add Blogger sitemaps to webmaster tools

There are many articles discussing how to add blogspot sitemap to webmaster tools. Most of those suggest adding a feed based sitemap atom.xml or rss.xml. This is not wrong, but very problematic, because feed based sitemap only lists 25 newest posts by default. So, I have heard many complaints that total indexing pages dramatically reduced after successfully adding a sitemap to Google webmasters tools To avoid this, you have to add the sitemap plus some parameters to the URL: "atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=100" Here we add three parameters, the first and most important is specifying the maximum post, this gives the Google spiders additional content to examine. We can currently set the maximum posts to 500. So if just start blogging, 500 hundred posts could be enough for a year's job. Keep writing till you ass off! If your main concern is having Google index your freshest content, you can create a sitemap for a feed using rss.xml?ord...

URL cannot contain a Google host

Google just opened up Knol to the public. Knol is also serving up AdSense advertising on the site. Authors on Knol can enter their AdSense data into Knol, and will get the regular AdSense payout for every click on an ad. This seems like a smart way to reward users who write the best (or most popular) content, while still making money for Google, because the cut Google already takes from the advertising through AdSense anyway. Currently, I don't know how may we track ads performance on knol, I tried to add an URL channel, and got error message: "" at line 1 invalid: URL cannot contain a Google host. Has anybody any idea of how to do it?

How to add analytics tracking code to blogger

If you use classic template, go to "edit html", and add the code before body tag. But if you use new template, and use this procedure, you will be not successful. One problem is that blogger keeps changing my double quotes to " And you may see error message, your template isn’t getting saved. The following error message “We were unable to save your template. Please correct the error below, and submit your template again. Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup." If you encounter those error massages, What you have to do is add the code in the html/Js page element. Go to Template, Add a Page Element, HTML/JS Script.