As you may aware, you actually can listen to my blog posts. You just click the the button at the beginning of each post, and it will read the post to you. It actually does a very good job, and is the best text-to-audio reader I have ever heard, although not perfect, but the best I have heard.
I am using Odiogo which converts my posts into podcasts!
If you have a blog, I suggest that you sign up to Odiogo and create a podcast automatically out of your posts. If not, you’ll definitely be signing up soon.
To sign up to Odiogo is also very easy, you're even not asked to provide anything but your blog feed address and your email, yes, nothing else! Then if your blog feed passed the testing, only two or three click, done, your blogger blog posts has already converted to podcasts! Now you can listen to your posts.
Thank to linkbuildingbible for the tips!
I am using Odiogo which converts my posts into podcasts!
If you have a blog, I suggest that you sign up to Odiogo and create a podcast automatically out of your posts. If not, you’ll definitely be signing up soon.
To sign up to Odiogo is also very easy, you're even not asked to provide anything but your blog feed address and your email, yes, nothing else! Then if your blog feed passed the testing, only two or three click, done, your blogger blog posts has already converted to podcasts! Now you can listen to your posts.
Thank to linkbuildingbible for the tips!
You can also try VocalFruits ( With this new web based podcasting service, any registered user can create a podcast from any RSS feed in no time. Other useful and innovative services include aggregating a number of RSS feeds into one podcast or creating your personal podcasts that you can update by emailing to your personal VocalFruits address. The service also provides for a web browser version and a mobile version ideal for listening to content on a mobile phone and other mobile devices. VocalFruits is equally a useful application for content owners such as you to provide your readers with an audio output of their content.