Sometime I feel I have too many websites and blogs, which are in Chinese, English or mixture, some Chinese language sites are even blocked by the Great Firewall of China with no reason at all, such as the one on blogspot. I feel that I'd better concentrate on one website or blog, optimize it and keep posting new articles, and make it the best.
I tried to campaign my websites, but I have so many sites, all of them need to be campaigned, although I can make links each other within those sites and make themself a network.
When I started to build website very seriously 9 months ago (not personal website which I started building as early as 1995), I searched high and low, to look everywhere for free web hosting with php+mySQL, upload very complicated contents management system (CMS), install them, and take ages to learn how to maintain, such as Joomla, MKportal, Wordpress, zencart, and Chinese CMS such as Discuz!, phpWind, supesite/X-space, but at last I realized that "simplest the best"! I found hosting on blogger even much better and stabler than other free web space. And to affiliate and setup a blog with some portal website also can help you get more traffic than self sufficient website.
It's time to go back to basics.